著書・論文 |
- Watabe, A., Fukumoto, S., Komatsu, T., Endo, Y. and Kadosawa, T. 2011. Alterations of lymphocyte subpopulations in healthy dogs with aging and in dogs with cancer. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 142:P189-200
- Fukumoto, S., Hanazono, K., Kawasaki, N., Hori, Y., Higuchi, S., Sasaki, T., Temma, K. and Uchide, T. 2012. Anaplastic atypical myeloma with extensive cutaneous involvement in a dog. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 74:P111-115
- Hanazono, K., Fukumoto, S., Hirayama, K., Takashima, K., Yamane, Y., Natsuhori, M., Kadosawa, T. and Uchide, T. 2012. Predicting metastatic potential of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in dog by ultrasonography. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 74:P1477-1482
- 華園 究、福本 真也、布施 辰樹、石井 俊治、打出 毅 2013 心エコー検査により診断した三尖弁異型性の猫の1例 動物臨床医学会誌22 P26-30.
- 華園 究、福本 真也、内田 英二、北島 哲也、廉澤 剛、打出 毅 2013 多剤併用化学療法により長期生存した大顆粒リンパ球性リンパ (LGL)腫の猫の1例 動物臨床医学会誌 22 P110-114
- Fukumoto, S., Hanazono, K., Komatsu, T., Iwano, H., Kadosawa, T. and Uchide, T. 2013. L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) expression in canine mammary gland tumors. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 75:P431-437
- Fukumoto, S., Hanazono, K., Fu, D., Endo, Y., Kadosawa, T., Iwano, H. and Uchide, T. 2013. A new treatment for human malignant melanoma targeting L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1): A pilot study in a canine model. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 439:P103-108
- Fukumoto, S., Hanazono, K., Komatsu, T., Ueno, H., Kadosawa, T., Iwano, H. and Uchide, T. 2013. L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1): A new therapeutic target for canine mammary gland tumour. Vet. J. 198:P164-169
- Hanazono, K., Fukumoto, S., Endo, Y., Ueno, H., Kadosawa, T. and Uchide T. 2014. Ultrasonographic findings related to prognosis in canine transitional cell carcinoma. Vet. Radiol. Ultrasound.55:P79-84
- Fukumoto, S., Hanazono, K., Miyasho, T., Endo, Y., Kadosawa, T., Iwano, H. and Uchide, T. 2014. Serum big endothelin-1 as a clinical marker for cardiopulmonary and neoplastic diseases in dogs. Life Sci. 118:P329-332
- Hanazono, K., Fukumoto, S., Kawamura, Y., Endo, Y., Kadosawa, T., Iwano, H. and Uchide, T. 2015. Epidermal growth factor receptor expression in canine transitional cell carcinoma. J. Vet. Med. Sci.77:P1-6
- Fukumoto, S., Miyasho, T., Hanazono, K., Saida, K., Kadosawa, T., Iwano, H. and Uchide, T. 2015. Big endothelin-1 as a tumour marker for canine haemangiosarcoma. Vet. J. 204:P269-274